Functional Memory Type Parallel Processor for Vector Quantization

The FMPP-VQ accelerates the nearest neighbor search on vector quantization (VQ). It can be applied to low-rate video compression. Three LSIs are already available: FMPP-VQ4, FMPP-VQ64 and FMPP-VQ64M. The FMPP-VQ4 integrates 4 PEs to evaluate its functionality. The latter two LSIs integrate 64 PEs, which can be applied to actual low-rate video compression. The FMPP-VQ64 and FMPP-VQ64M achieve both of high performance and low power. We have also developed a low-rate video compression system and a multi-stage hierarchical vector quantization algorithm using the FMPP-VQ.


Last modified: Thu Nov 5 15:00:14 JST 1998