%% %% This is file `watermark.sty', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% watermark.dtx (with options: `package') %% %% IMPORTANT NOTICE: %% %% This file is a generated file from the sources of the `ncctools' %% bundle. %% %% You are not allowed to modify this file. %% %% You are allowed to distribute this file if and only if %% it is distributed with the corresponding source files in %% the `ncctools' bundle. %% %% For the copying and distribution conditions of the source files, %% see the README file distributed with the ncctools bundle. %% %% File: watermark.dtx Copyright (C) 2002--2004 by Alexander I. Rozhenko %% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{watermark} [2004/12/09 v1.1 Watermarks (NCC)] \AtBeginDocument{ \let\WMK@begindvi\@begindvi \def\@begindvi{% \WMK@begindvi \WMK@insert \global\let\WMK@begindvi\@begindvi \gdef\@begindvi{\WMK@begindvi\WMK@insert}% }% } \def\WMK@insert{% \let\WMK@head\@thehead \def\@thehead{\WMK@hook\WMK@head}% } \def\WMK@hook{% \begin{picture}(0,0)\relax \ifx\WMK@this\relax \if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\WMK@odd\else\WMK@even\fi \else \WMK@odd \fi \else \WMK@this \global\let\WMK@this\relax \fi \end{picture}% \ifx\WMK@thishead\relax \else \let\WMK@head\WMK@thishead \global\let\WMK@thishead\relax \fi \ifx\WMK@head\@empty \hfil \else \def\@tempa{\@oddhead}% \ifx\WMK@head\@tempa \ifx\@oddhead\@empty \hfil \fi \fi \fi } \let\WMK@thishead\relax \let\WMK@this\relax \let\WMK@odd\@empty \let\WMK@even\@empty \newcommand{\watermark}[1]{\leftwatermark{#1}\rightwatermark{#1}} \newcommand{\leftwatermark}[1]{\gdef\WMK@even{#1}} \newcommand{\rightwatermark}[1]{\gdef\WMK@odd{#1}} \newcommand{\thiswatermark}[1]{\gdef\WMK@this{#1}} \newcommand{\thispageheading}[1]{% \def\@tempa{#1}% \ifx\@tempa\@empty \global\let\WMK@thishead\@empty \else \gdef\WMK@thishead{\parbox[t]\textwidth{#1}}% \fi } \endinput %% %% End of file `watermark.sty'.